The Independent relies on reader support to continue reporting on important issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Donations help fund investigative journalism, documentaries like ‘The A Word’, and sending reporters to cover developing stories. The publication is trusted across the political spectrum and believes in providing quality journalism accessible to all without paywalls. In sports, Katie Boulter led Great Britain to victory in the Billie Jean King Cup, with a strong performance following Emma Raducanu’s return from injury. Boulter, ranked 24th globally, has been praised by tennis legend Billie Jean King for her progress and dedication. Together with Raducanu and their team, they are set to face defending champions Canada and have a strong chance of winning the title. Captain Anne Keothavong is confident in their abilities and believes in their potential to lift the trophy, marking a significant improvement for British tennis on the international stage.
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Sources: Panthers' Horn gets historic deal for DB
David Newton, an NFL reporter at ESPN covering the Carolina Panthers since 1995, announced that Jaycee Horn signed a historic four-year extension, making him the highest-paid defensive back in NFL history with a $100 million deal. Horn, the No. 8 pick in the 2021 draft, earned his first Pro Bowl selection after a standout season, solidifying his role as a cornerstone of the Panthers' defense with his impressive performance and leadership qualities, as noted by...
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