The Independent relies on reader support to cover critical stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech. Donations help fund on-the-ground reporting and investigative work. Your support allows journalists to provide balanced coverage and keep quality journalism accessible to all. In sports news, the Kansas City Chiefs, Detroit Lions, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and Dallas Cowboys all secured wins in their recent matchups.
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Fantasy Football: Week 15 tight end rankings (Full-PPR)
In Week 15, rookie tight end Brock Bowers continues to impress, breaking records for catches and fantasy points by a rookie TE in NFL history. With 15.82 points per game, he's on track to set a new record of 268.94 points, a remarkable feat considering the Las Vegas Raiders' struggles on offense. For fantasy managers in need of tight end help, Yahoo Sports offers Week 15 tight end rankings to assist with start/sit decisions. Full...
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