In Haiti, a young girl finds joy in playing jump rope amidst the gang violence in her neighborhood, displaying a resilient spirit that shines through despite the challenging circumstances. This simple game brings out an exuberance in her that defies the harsh reality she faces daily, showing a glimpse of hope and happiness in the midst of turmoil. This scene serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience and spirit of individuals around the world who find moments of joy and strength in the face of adversity.
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Men guilty of ‘cowardly’ executions ask Alberta’s top court to overturn murder convictions
Two Calgary men, Prabhjyot Bhatti and Jaskaran Sidhu, were given life sentences for the first-degree murders of Jasdeep Singh and Japneet Malhi, with no chance of parole for 25 years. The men have appealed their convictions, citing errors in the judge's instructions and admission of prejudicial evidence. The killings were described as "calculated, cowardly" executions, with a fourth accomplice, Amandeep Saggu, pleading guilty to manslaughter for setting up the revenge attack after being stabbed by...
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