Your support helps The Independent to continue covering the critical stories of the election, with reporters on the ground speaking to voters for an unbiased perspective. With a strong readership of 27 million Americans each month, The Independent relies on support to provide quality journalism without paywalls. In sports news, the Buffalo Bills secured a 23-20 victory over the New York Jets, with Aaron Rodgers leading the Jets in a close game that saw multiple lead changes and a late interception sealing the win for the Bills.
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Fantasy Football Week 15: Rankings, sleepers, start/sit advice and more
Yahoo Sports Fantasy Football Week 15 provides comprehensive rankings, sleepers, start/sit advice, and expert analysis to help fantasy football players secure a victory. The week's content includes half-PPR and PPR rankings for various positions, strategies for sleepers and busts, as well as advice on players to drop and waiver wire pickups. Additionally, the Fantasy Forecast podcast and various video segments offer insights on key players and matchups, making it a one-stop resource for fantasy football...
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