The ruling Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) released a list of 35 candidates for the upcoming Jharkhand Assembly Elections, with Chief Minister Hemant Soren named from Barhait. Other key candidates include M.T. Raja, Dhananjay Soren, and Stephen Marandi, with the polls scheduled for November 13 and November 20, and the counting on November 23. The Congress also announced its first list of 21 candidates, including Finance Minister Rameshwar Oraon and senior party leader Ajoy Kumar.
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Russian attack pounds Ukraine's energy grid
Russia launched a massive aerial attack on Ukrainian energy facilities, causing significant damage and power cuts in several regions. President Zelenskyy emphasized the need for increased Western support to counter Russian aggression before any peace negotiations. The attack, the 12th on the energy system this year, included 93 missiles and nearly 200 drones, highlighting the escalating tensions between the two nations. Full Article
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