Your support enables The Independent to report on crucial issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing in-depth coverage and investigative journalism. By donating, you help fund journalists who are dedicated to uncovering the truth and presenting both sides of the story. British No 1 Jack Draper advances to the fourth round of the Australian Open after overcoming challenges in five-set matches, setting up a highly anticipated match against Carlos Alcaraz. The match is scheduled for Sunday, January 19, with broadcast available on Eurosport for UK viewers, showcasing a thrilling showdown between two talented players.
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Amorim criticizes United players for slow starts
Manchester United head coach Ruben Amorim criticized his players for their slow starts after recovering from a 2-0 halftime deficit to draw against Everton, with goals from Beto, Doucouré, Fernandes, and Ugarte. Amorim expressed frustration at their lack of first-half presence and inability to address defensive issues, as United struggle in the Premier League standings. Despite their performance, Amorim remains uncertain about finding solutions but is focused on upcoming matches against Ipswich Town and Fulham...
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