Your support allows The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change, with a commitment to unbiased reporting. With donations, journalists can continue to provide in-depth coverage and investigate crucial issues. In a Six Nations match, Ireland secured a victory over England under new head coach Simon Easterby, showcasing their resilience and skill despite a late comeback attempt by the opposition.
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Formula 1 chief Stefano Domenicali reveals Thailand visit as talks over possible Bangkok race continue | F1 News
Formula 1 chief Stefano Domenicali plans to visit Bangkok to discuss adding a race in Thailand's capital city to the calendar, with the Dutch Grand Prix dropping off after 2026 and the Belgian Grand Prix appearing on a rotational basis. Despite the potential for 25 races, drivers may resist a more crowded schedule. Domenicali also mentioned interest from other regions like Africa and South America, with Madrid set to replace Barcelona for the Spanish Grand...
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