The Independent relies on reader support to continue reporting on important issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Your donation helps fund investigative journalism and documentaries that provide insight into pressing issues. In sports news, Ireland lock Joe McCarthy aims to earn a spot on the British and Irish Lions tour next summer, following a successful year in international rugby. McCarthy highlights the team’s achievements and looks forward to upcoming opportunities for success.
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Sources: George, doctors mulling star's injuries
Philadelphia 76ers forward Paul George is consulting with doctors this week to determine treatment options for his groin and knee injuries, possibly requiring a procedure, after battling multiple injuries this season. The 34-year-old George, who signed a lucrative deal with the 76ers last summer, has been dealing with various ailments including a hyperextended knee and left groin soreness, leading to missed games and painkilling injections. With teammate Joel Embiid already ruled out for the season,...
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