Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder in a burglary attempt at his Mumbai home. He sustained injuries on his neck, spine, and hands but is now out of danger and recovering at Lilavati Hospital. Saif and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Bandra home reflects their eclectic taste, with vintage, royal elegance, and they also own properties in India and Switzerland.
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India targets global defence market with Dornier 228 offer for Malaysian Coast Guard, including tech transfer
India has offered domestically produced Dornier 228 aircraft to the Malaysian Coast Guard, showcasing its competitive edge with proposals for maintenance facilities and technology transfer. The aircraft, with a proven track record in the Indian Navy and Coast Guard, is cost-effective and versatile, meeting the requirement for seven aircraft capable of various coastal tasks. The modernized Dornier platform features advanced technology such as a glass cockpit, maritime patrol radar, and mission management system, demonstrating its...
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