India’s central bank chief, Shaktikanta Das, highlighted that despite managing a soft landing through ongoing global shocks, there is still a risk of inflation returning and economic growth slowing down. Das emphasized that global central banks have largely performed well amidst conflicts and volatility, but challenges including geopolitical tensions, commodity price volatility, and climate change continue to pose threats. He pointed out contradictions in global markets, such as the U.S. dollar strengthening despite interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, indicating ongoing uncertainties in the economic landscape.
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Yellow weather warning in place for NI
A yellow weather warning for wind is in place in Northern Ireland from 10:00 to 19:00 GMT on Sunday, with gusts of 40-60 mph expected after Storm Éowyn brought winds of over 90mph. Recovery efforts are ongoing, with many roads still impassable due to fallen trees and debris, and about 140,000 properties without electricity, while train lines are gradually reopening with some services returning. Residents are advised to take caution and report any emergencies to...
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