Hundreds of people gathered at national parks nationwide to protest the Trump administration’s firing of over 1,000 National Park Service employees, with Resistance Rangers attempting to organize protests at all 433 park sites. Demonstrations were held at 145 sites, including Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Effigy Mounds, with tensions high and concerns about resource extraction and threats to national monuments. Protesters voiced opposition to the firings and government spending cuts, urging action and protection of public lands.
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L.A. podcast host says he called 911, was put on hold for an hour
A Los Angeles content creator waited 58 minutes for 911 to pick up his call after his home was burglarized, with police disputing the timeline of the response. Evan Lovett, host of the “L.A. in a Minute” podcast, expressed frustration at the delayed emergency response and is now using his platform to address issues such as staff shortages in the L.A. Police Department and 911 call centers, aiming to start a constructive dialogue for the...
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