Support The Independent to ensure quality journalism on important issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. They rely on donations to fund on-the-ground reporting and provide unbiased coverage accessible to all. In other news, the 2024 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will feature 10 performance groups, 22 floats, and appearances from stars like Cynthia Erivo and Idina Menzel, promising a festive celebration with new floats and Broadway performances.
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Zelenskyy Calls On World To Be 'United' Against Putin As UK Says Russia Is Making 'Further Gains' In Ukraine
In the aftermath of a Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, emergency services are working to rescue civilians trapped under the rubble of a destroyed building on December 10. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged the world to unite against Vladimir Putin's aggression, as the UK reports Russia making further gains in Ukraine. Zelenskyy also announced Ukraine's support for humanitarian efforts in Syria, emphasizing the importance of stability in the region to facilitate global peace. Full Article
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