Golden State Warriors star Klay Thompson’s 13-year tenure with the team came to an abrupt end when he suffered a devastating Achilles injury. The news of Thompson’s injury left fans and teammates devastated, as he played a crucial role in the team’s success. Despite the abrupt end to his time with the Warriors, Thompson’s legacy as one of the greatest shooters in NBA history remains intact.
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Euro 2025 to offer record prize money but €290m gap to Euro 2024 remains
Your support helps The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change, with unbiased reporting. They rely on donations to send journalists to the frontlines of breaking news and produce quality content accessible to all. Euro 2025 will offer a record prize money of €41m, a significant increase from previous years, with a commitment to increased distribution to players and clubs, aiming to bridge the gap between men's and women's European Championships....
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