In 1990, the beloved Christmas film Home Alone was released, starring Macaulay Culkin. Despite initial critical reception, the slapstick comedy became a box office hit, spawning sequels and a TV series. Behind-the-scenes secrets reveal that the film was written in just over a week, filmed in a real house in Winnetka, Illinois, and the famous flooded basement scene was shot in a school swimming pool.
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People Are Realising Who Tom Hanks Played In The Polar Express, And We Need To Sit Down
In the last two decades, The Polar Express has become a festive classic, starring Tom Hanks in multiple roles including The Conductor, Santa, The Hero Boy, The Hero Boy’s Dad, The Ebenezer Scrooge Puppet, The Ghost on the Train, and The Narrator. Originally wanting to play just one character, Hanks ended up portraying six due to emerging CGI technology. The film, directed by Robert Zemeckis, follows characters that are memories from the Hero Boy's real...
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