Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay shares his secret to the perfect Christmas pigs in blankets, using a glaze of honey, wholegrain mustard, and soy sauce for a crispy, flavourful finish. The sausages and bacon are cooked separately before being drizzled in the sauce and returned to the oven for a final basting. The make-ahead recipe can be prepared up to a day in advance, ensuring a stress-free festive meal with a delicious twist.
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North Korea can produce ballistic missiles for Russia ‘in months’
Your support allows The Independent to cover important stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing in-depth investigations and documentaries. Donations help send journalists to gather facts from both sides of the story, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all. Recent evidence suggests North Korea produced ballistic missiles used in Ukraine within months, highlighting illicit arms transfers and the urgent need for independent analysis. Full Article
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