Glen Powell is set to star in the erotic thriller “Homewreckers,” based on a novella by Neil Paik, where he plays Henry, a man suspicious of his wife Beth’s fidelity. As Beth is offered a chance to reconnect with a younger AI version of Henry, the couple must confront their past and present to navigate love, betrayal, and self-destruction. Powell’s recent credits include “Twisters” and “Anyone but You,” while Paik is working on projects like “The Bombshell Bandit” and “Windowshopper.”
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What Is the Wordle Answer Today? December 13 Wordle Hint – Hollywood Life
Wordle is a web-based game where players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with color-coded hints indicating if letters are in the word and in the correct position (green), in the word but in the wrong position (yellow), or not in the word at all (gray). Created by Josh Wardle and now hosted by The New York Times, Wordle's goal was to make a game that his partner would enjoy playing, rather than...
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