Your support enables The Independent to cover a range of critical topics, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with thorough investigations and documentaries like ‘The A Word’. By donating, you help fund reporters on the ground and ensure quality journalism remains accessible to all Americans. The RAC suggests councils should issue warning letters instead of fines for drivers’ first bus lane offense, as many drivers accidentally enter bus lanes due to inadequate signage, leading to significant revenue from fines for local authorities.
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72,000 foreigners with Sephardic Jewish ancestry granted Spanish citizenship
In the past decade, over 72,000 individuals of Sephardic Jewish descent obtained Spanish citizenship under a law passed in 2015, allowing descendants of Jews expelled from Spain in 1492 to reclaim nationality. Applicants were not required to be practicing Jews or live in Spain, but had to pass a Spanish language and citizenship exam. The majority of successful applicants came from Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and Argentina, with Israelis, Americans, Panamanians, and Brazilians also benefiting from...
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