In a mass rape case in Avignon, France, all 51 defendants, including Dominique Pelicot, were found guilty for repeatedly drugging and allowing strangers to rape his then wife, Gisele. The men with the longest sentences, including Pelicot, Vandeveld, Davies, Arbo, Vilela, and Marechal, received prison terms ranging from 12 to 20 years for their involvement in the heinous acts. Each defendant has 10 days to decide whether to appeal their sentences.
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SUNshine Girl Krysta Lee
out of the summary. The article discusses SUNshine Girl Krysta Lee, who is featured in a video on the website. The video failed to load, but viewers can watch other videos from the team. Krysta Lee is highlighted as the subject of the video, with no additional information provided in the summary. Full Article
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