The 2008 Gavin and Stacey Christmas special is a festive delight that follows the Shipman and West families as they prepare for their first Christmas together. The episode features memorable moments like Pam’s stance on Christmas cards, Nessa in the grotto, and Gavin and Smithy’s iconic sing-a-long. The show perfectly captures the quirks and chaos of the holiday season, making it a must-watch every December.
Davina McCall reveals ‘crusty’ scars a month on from shock brain surgery
Davina McCall recently underwent brain surgery to remove a benign tumor, showcasing her scars on social media. Her partner, Michael Douglas, helped her with her first haircut post-surgery as she shared updates on her recovery. Despite some memory issues, Davina expressed gratitude for the experience and emphasized the importance of health check-ups. Full Article
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