Your support enables The Independent to cover critical stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a commitment to factual reporting. Donations help fund on-the-ground journalism and unbiased coverage across the political spectrum, without paywalls. In sports news, Gabriel Jesus scored a hat-trick to lead Arsenal to a 3-2 comeback victory over Crystal Palace in the Carabao Cup, securing their spot in the semi-finals.
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Fantasy Film Room: Penix's impact + 'Dynasty Debates' that will dominate offseason | Yahoo Fantasy Forecast
In the latest episode of Yahoo Sports' 'Fantasy Film Room,' Nate Tice and Matt Harmon discuss the Falcons' decision to name Michael Penix as QB1, analyzing the impact on Kirk Cousins and Falcons skill players. They also predict the most polarizing young skill players in dynasty debates for the offseason before previewing the TNF matchup between the Broncos and Chargers. The episode provides insights into fantasy football strategy and player evaluations, making it a must-listen...
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