Your support for The Independent helps fund investigative reporting on topics like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring that facts are separated from messaging. Donations enable journalists to cover stories from all perspectives, without paywalls, providing quality journalism accessible to all. Gabriel Jesus aims to continue scoring for Arsenal to push for a Premier League title, with his recent form contributing to the team’s success and competitiveness in the league.
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Amorim admits Utd job is on the line this season
Manchester United head coach Ruben Amorim acknowledges that he is "fighting for his job" as the team is struggling, having lost seven Premier League games since November. Despite the lack of significant signings in the January transfer window, Amorim remains committed to his approach and is focused on improving the team through training and strategic player acquisitions. The departure of Marcus Rashford to Aston Villa has added to the team's attacking challenges, but Amorim is...
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