Your support for The Independent helps fund investigative reporting on topics like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring that facts are separated from messaging. Donations enable journalists to cover stories from all perspectives, without paywalls, providing quality journalism accessible to all. Gabriel Jesus aims to continue scoring for Arsenal to push for a Premier League title, with his recent form contributing to the team’s success and competitiveness in the league.
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Mikel Arteta bemoans ‘disappointing’ penalty decision as Arsenal held by Brighton
Your donation to The Independent supports their coverage of key issues, from reproductive rights to Big Tech, with a commitment to unbiased reporting and accessibility. Arsenal's title challenge suffered a setback with a controversial penalty decision in a 1-1 draw against Brighton, leading to manager Mikel Arteta questioning the ruling. Despite the contentious call, Brighton felt they deserved all three points, with manager Fabian Hurzeler highlighting missed chances and a strong second-half performance. Full Article
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