Your support helps The Independent cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a focus on unbiased reporting. The upcoming rematch between Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk for the unified heavyweight titles is highly anticipated, with Usyk favored to win. The fight will take place on December 21 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and will be available for viewing on DAZN, TNT Sports Box Office, and Sky Sports Box Office for £24.99.
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Latest buzz on Jets’ head coaching search: Aaron Glenn, Lance Newmark leave team’s facility, talks expected to continue
The Jets are in talks with Aaron Glenn and Lance Newmark for the head coach position, with positive progress but no deal yet in place. There is strong mutual interest between Glenn and the Jets, with expectations that he could be named the new head coach, pending further discussions. Glenn, currently the Lions' defensive coordinator, is a top candidate for the Jets after a successful season in Detroit and a history with the team as...
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