Police in central Delhi rescued 44 sleeping labourers from a furniture market building moments before a fire engulfed the four-storey structure, which took four hours to control with the help of seven fire tenders. The swift action of the local police prevented any injuries, although the furniture and wooden articles inside were destroyed. The cause of the fire was determined to be a short circuit, with further investigation ongoing.
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Reddit Users Boycott X Links After Elon Musk’s Gesture at Inaugural Event
Many Reddit users are boycotting the social media site X, formerly known as Twitter, after Elon Musk's gesture at President Trump's inaugural celebration drew comparisons to the Nazi salute. The boycott emerged on Reddit where users proposed banning X posts and links to protest Mr. Musk's actions, with various subreddits implementing the ban. While some criticized the boycott as censorship, others saw it as a community-driven response to ethical concerns and a way to show...
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