Nigel Farage is set to mend his relationship with Elon Musk at a high-profile inauguration party in Washington DC hosted by the Reform UK leader, with a guest list including Donald Trump, his family, and prominent Republicans. The event, funded by Brexiteer allies and US businessman Gerry Gunster, will feature Automated Analytics as a sponsor, known for creating an AI cloud data center powered by renewable energy. This gathering will mark the first meeting between Farage and Musk since the latter’s call for Farage to step down as Reform UK leader, with attempts being made to repair relations through back channels facilitated by Trump’s team.
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Donald Trump returns with boast of golden age for America built on oil and tariffs
Your support helps The Independent cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Donations enable journalists to report from the ground, providing unbiased coverage for all Americans. In Donald Trump's second term inauguration, he outlined a radical agenda, vowing to put America first, scrap diversity measures, and focus on oil production while also threatening tariffs and international conflicts. Full Article
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