Faiz Shakir, a former campaign manager for Senator Bernie Sanders and progressive Democratic strategist, has entered the race for chairman of the Democratic National Committee, aiming to reshape the party’s image as the party of the working class and rebuild public trust. Shakir, known for his work with Sanders and traditional Democratic leaders, highlighted the need for a bolder vision and criticized the current candidates for lacking innovation. The contest, dominated by two state party leaders, has focused on internal matters, but Shakir’s late entrance could shake up the race and push for a more ambitious agenda to attract support from working-class voters.
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Rubio brushes off demonstrators who erupted in Senate hearing: 'I get bilingual protesters'
Protests erupted during the confirmation hearing for Sen. Marco Rubio as he was repeatedly interrupted by protesters, including one shouting in Spanish and others being removed by Capitol Police. Protesters were warned not to disrupt proceedings or face removal from the hearing for at least a year. Rubio, who was nominated to lead the Department of State under the second Trump administration, faced interruptions from protesters wearing Code Pink shirts and anti-Rubio stickers. Full Article
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