Your support of The Independent helps fund ground reporting on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Donations enable journalists to provide unbiased coverage for all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, without paywalls. A new report from the Resolution Foundation reveals ethnic minority families in the UK face higher housing costs and poorer living conditions, potentially due to discrimination and disparities in homeownership rates.
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Tories pledge to expel low-paid and unemployed migrants from UK
Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch is planning to tighten migration rules, requiring migrants to demonstrate a longer commitment to the UK before qualifying for indefinite leave to remain, from 5 to 10 years. Legal migrants must prove they have been "net contributors" to the economy for the past decade, covering their and their children's costs, while illegal migrants will be automatically disqualified from obtaining indefinite leave to remain, even if recognized as refugees. Full Article
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