The Independent relies on reader support to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change. Your donation helps fund investigative journalism and documentaries like ‘The A Word’, highlighting American women’s fight for reproductive rights. England’s rugby team, led by Steve Borthwick, maintains the same starting lineup for the upcoming match against Australia, with Luke Cowan-Dickie making his first appearance under the head coach. The team aims to address recurring issues and secure a win against Australia, followed by matches against South Africa and Japan.
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How Madison Keys overcame the doubts to finally achieve grand slam breakthrough
The Independent relies on reader support to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change. Your donation helps fund investigative reporting and documentaries, ensuring journalists can continue to provide unbiased coverage. In sports, Madison Keys overcame years of pressure and self-doubt to win her first grand slam title at the Australian Open, marking a significant achievement in her career. Through therapy and self-reflection, Keys found the clarity to play her best game and ultimately...
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