Your support helps The Independent to continue reporting on important issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Donations allow journalists to provide balanced coverage and in-depth analysis without paywalls, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all. In sports news, England secured a 2-0 lead in their Twenty20 series against South Africa, with Danni Wyatt-Hodge’s impressive batting performance leading to a 36-run victory in Benoni.
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Week 15 recap: Josh Allen's run, RBs cool off and Colts' 'disgusting' trick play | Yahoo Fantasy Forecast
In the Week 15 recap of Yahoo Sports, Josh Allen's impressive run, RBs cooling off, and the Colts' 'disgusting' trick play are discussed. Andy Behrens and Matt Harmon break down the Sunday slate, categorizing games into those they care about the most, those they sort of care about, and those that could have been an email. They provide instant fantasy analysis for the entire Sunday slate, highlighting key matchups and performances with long-term fantasy implications....
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