Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech developments in the US. Donations help fund on-the-ground reporting and unbiased journalism that is accessible to all Americans. In cricket news, Matthew Potts has been recalled for the England vs. New Zealand Test, replacing Chris Woakes, as the tourists aim to maintain their dominance in the series.
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Fantasy Football Make or Break: Will boom-or-bust talent come through for us in Week 15?
Yahoo SportsFantasy Football discusses the make-or-break potential of boom-or-bust talents like Jayden Reed, Keenan Allen, and Javonte Williams for Week 15. Reed, despite his volatility, has the talent to excel but remains touchdown-dependent and risky. Allen's recent underwhelming performance raises questions, but a favorable matchup against Minnesota could lead to a high-ceiling opportunity. Williams' inconsistent usage in the Broncos' backfield makes him a risky option, although the matchup against Indianapolis presents a promising opportunity due...
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