Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring accurate reporting and investigative journalism. By donating, you help fund journalists to report on critical issues from both perspectives, without paywalls, making quality journalism accessible to all. In sports news, England’s white-ball tour of the Caribbean ended in a rain-soaked abandonment of the final T20 match, with the West Indies winning the series 3-1, concluding under caretaker Marcus Trescothick before Brendon McCullum takes over coaching duties in all formats.
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Collin Morikawa doubles down on criticism after skipping media at API
Collin Morikawa responded to criticism about his decision to decline speaking to the media after a tournament loss, stating that he doesn't owe anyone anything. Despite not being asked about the criticism on Friday, Morikawa addressed it during a press conference at the 2024 Players Championship, expressing frustration with former players and commentators who questioned his actions. The ongoing controversy surrounding Morikawa's post-tournament behavior continues to highlight tensions between professional golfers and the media, with...
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