Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde thanked the voters for the BJP-led Mahayuti alliance’s landslide victory in the assembly elections, attributing it to the approval of the work done in the last 2.5 years. Shinde emphasized that the decision on the next Chief Minister will be collectively made by the Mahayuti, guided by PM Modi and JP Nadda, highlighting the unity of the alliance. The ruling Mahayuti alliance is leading in 219 of the 288 assembly seats, securing a strong hold on power in Maharashtra, with the opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi trailing behind.
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Putin should make deal with Ukraine, Zelenskyy ready to negotiate: Trump on Russia-Ukraine war
US President Trump urged Russian President Putin to negotiate a deal with Ukraine to end the war, warning of high tariffs and sanctions if not. He emphasized the high casualties on both sides and expressed willingness to meet Putin immediately. Trump noted Ukraine's readiness for peace talks, highlighting the severe impact of the conflict. Full Article
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