Edna O’Brien, the acclaimed Irish author, will be laid to rest on Holy Island in Lough Derg. This island holds a special significance for O’Brien, who often found solace and inspiration in its serene surroundings. The decision to bury her there reflects her deep connection to the land and her desire for a peaceful final resting place.
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Gisèle Pelicot’s daughter’s damning 6-word statement on relationship with mum
Gisèle Pelicot's daughter Caroline Darian appeared on This Morning to discuss her father Dominique Pelicot's crimes, including raping her mother and inviting over 50 strangers to do the same. Caroline revealed the impact of the ordeal on her relationship with her mother, explaining that they are working to rebuild their connection in a different way. If you need support for sexual assault, you can contact www.rapecrisis.org.uk or the national helpline at 0808 802 9999. Full...
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