The Independent relies on support to continue reporting on important issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Your donation helps fund investigative journalism and documentaries. The Independent aims to provide quality journalism accessible to all, without paywalls. In sports news, England faces Japan in the Autumn Nations Series, looking to finish on a high after a challenging series. Tom Curry’s return from concussion raises questions, while newcomer Asher Opoku-Fordjour makes his debut. Eddie Jones returns as Japan coach, facing scrutiny over his management style. Japan’s turbo-charged playing style poses a challenge for England.
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Elevate your Fantasy Baseball game with next-level tools and exclusive insights from Yahoo Fantasy Plus
Yahoo Sports has introduced new tools and insights for Fantasy Baseball players with Yahoo Fantasy Plus, offering deeper projections and a competitive edge. Subscribers can access industry-leading partners like ATC Projections, BAKER Predictive Engine, FTN, and THE BAT X for more accurate player projections, customizable insights, and additional tools such as Draft Scout, Start Optimal Players, Trade Hub, and Player Recommendations. Yahoo Fantasy Plus subscribers can unlock premium draft tools and player projections to enhance...
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