The Independent relies on reader support to cover important stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing unbiased reporting and analysis accessible to all. A recent study at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania revealed that Homo erectus adapted to desert-like conditions over a million years ago, challenging previous beliefs about early human adaptability and shedding light on our ancient ancestors’ capabilities. By repeatedly returning to specific locations with freshwater resources and developing specialized tools, Homo erectus demonstrated remarkable adaptability, expanding into arid regions of Africa and Eurasia, ultimately contributing to a better understanding of human evolution and our planet’s history.
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I Tried To Save My Neighbour's Life With CPR. After He Died, I Got A Text From His Wife I Never Saw Coming.
A man responds to his neighbor's urgent call for help when her husband collapses, performing CPR to the beat of "Stayin' Alive" until EMS arrives. Despite never having done CPR before and feeling afraid of death, he stays calm and focused, ensuring the man's dignity and comfort throughout the ordeal. The arrival of EMS brings a mix of relief and self-doubt as the man reflects on the intensity of the situation and his actions. Full...
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