The Philadelphia Eagles scored the most points ever in a conference title game, defeating the Washington Commanders 55-23 to secure their spot in Super Bowl LIX. Led by Jalen Hurts and Saquon Barkley, the Eagles capitalized on turnovers and penalties by the Commanders to dominate the game. Despite a slow start to the season, the Eagles have turned things around and are now poised to compete for their second Super Bowl championship.
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Arsenal search for a striker as Championship clubs seal deadline day deals
Your support enables The Independent to cover stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to factual reporting. Donations help fund on-the-ground reporters who provide unbiased coverage across the political spectrum, without paywalls. In sports news, Arsenal's Mikel Arteta may pursue a striker like Ollie Watkins, while Aston Villa secures Marcus Rashford on loan. Other transfer deadline moves include Brighton's Evan Ferguson to West Ham, Manchester City's signings, and potential deals...
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