Your support helps The Independent cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Donations enable journalists to report from the ground, providing unbiased coverage for all Americans. In Donald Trump’s second term inauguration, he outlined a radical agenda, vowing to put America first, scrap diversity measures, and focus on oil production while also threatening tariffs and international conflicts.
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Ozempic being ‘sold by drug dealers alongside class As’
Drug dealers are now selling weight-loss injections like Ozempic and ADHD medication alongside class-A drugs such as cocaine, as revealed by an investigation. The popular semaglutide injection pens are being offered for £170, along with drugs like ketamine and MDMA, in response to increasing demand. Experts are concerned that dealers are taking advantage of the weight-loss drug's popularity, with cases of these substances being listed alongside illegal drugs in text messages and online "menus." Full...
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