The Independent relies on reader support to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to Big Tech, with a commitment to unbiased reporting and accessibility. Donald Trump Jr. revealed discussions about potentially giving press briefing room seats to podcasters like Joe Rogan, citing concerns about mainstream media bias. Trump’s engagement with podcasters and social media influencers, especially during his campaign, highlights a shift towards alternative media sources for reaching younger audiences.
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This 1 Eating Habit Puts You At Higher Risk Of Dementia, According To New Study
A recent study published in Neurology found that consuming processed red meat is linked to a higher risk of developing dementia and cognitive decline. Participants who consumed the most processed red meat had a 13% higher chance of dementia compared to those who consumed the least. Swapping processed red meat for fish, nuts, or legumes could reduce dementia risk by 20%. Experts recommend limiting red meat intake and following diets like the MIND or Mediterranean...
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