In early 2025, the soccer story game Despelote will be released on the Nintendo Switch, following its previous announcement for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. The game centers around 8-year-old Julián from Quito, Ecuador, as he joins his friends for a game of neighborhood football, showcasing Ecuador’s economic struggles in the late 1990s and the unity that grew leading up to the 2002 World Cup. Based on the childhood memories of developers Julián Cordero and Sebastián Valbuena, Despelote was an official selection of the 2023 Tribeca Festival and featured in the Wholesome Games’ Wholesome Snack Showcase.
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Sources: Apple planned to announce a smart home hub in March but it has been postponed since the device relies on the delayed Siri capabilities (Mark Gurman/Bloomberg)
Apple had planned to announce a smart home hub in March, but the unveiling has been postponed due to delayed Siri capabilities. The company is also exploring different glasses ideas, and the latest iOS beta software includes a Vision Pro app and new AI capabilities. Full Article
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