Dear Abby receives a letter from a woman in her 60s who regrets breaking up with a shorter man in her 20s. She now wants to reconnect with him after seeing his successful career online. Abby advises her to consider the man’s feelings and potential reaction to a sudden contact after so many years, suggesting an email as a first step due to the distance between them.
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Steve Borthwick’s selection shows England’s desperation – but there is logic behind bold calls
Your support helps The Independent cover important stories, from reproductive rights to Big Tech to climate change, with investigative reporting and documentaries. Donations allow journalists to report on both sides of the story, providing trustworthy news accessible to all. Marcus Smith's move to full-back for England's match against France signals a strategic shake-up to maximize offensive options, pairing him with Fin Smith to bring out the best in both playmakers. Full Article
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