Dan Walker and Nadiya Bychkova’s close friendship, formed during their time on Strictly in 2021, has continued to thrive three years later with regular outings, award ceremonies, and red carpet events. The pair’s bond is the talk of the Strictly cast, who are reportedly ‘obsessed’ with their relationship, highlighted by their use of the lobster emoji as a secret code. Despite being married to his wife Sarah for 23 years, Dan’s public friendship with Nadiya remains a prominent feature in their lives, with shared Instagram posts and intimate dinners showcasing their enduring connection.
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Wall Street sell off: Dow Jones and NASDAQ near historically bad days as fears over recession mount
Your support helps The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech developments on the ground. Donations enable journalists to provide unbiased reporting and analysis across the political spectrum without paywalls. Amidst market turmoil and recession fears sparked by President Trump's trade policies, The Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq are facing significant losses, with the latter on track for its worst day since 2022. Full Article
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