A special team has been formed by Tamil Nadu Police to arrest the six accused individuals involved in the assault on a 17-year-old Dalit teenager in Melapattam village, Tirunelveli district. The victim sustained severe injuries after being attacked with a beer bottle and sickle, sparking protests from Dalit residents demanding justice. The incident has highlighted the ongoing issue of caste-related violence in the southern region, prompting heightened security measures and warnings from state intelligence to prevent further unrest.
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Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar hits out at Centre, asks why there is no dialogue with farmers – India TV
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar criticized the Centre for not engaging in dialogue with farmers, questioning the lack of initiative in resolving the farmers' issues. He called on Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan to unify the nation on the farmers' problems, emphasizing the importance of addressing agriculture concerns. Meanwhile, protesting farmers demanding compensation and a legal guarantee for the Minimum Support Price were detained by Uttar Pradesh police in Noida, as they attempted to march...
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