Your support helps The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with investigative reporting and documentaries. Donations enable journalists to report on both sides of the story, providing quality journalism accessible to all. Shoppers have expressed confusion over Easter eggs being sold in supermarkets months before the holiday, with some criticizing the commercialization and others acknowledging the forward-thinking approach of retailers.
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Urgent recall for popular Birds Eye frozen food over allergy risk
An urgent recall has been issued for Birds Eye's Goodfella’s Stonebaked Thin Garlic Bread in the UK due to an undeclared milk allergen. The mispacked product poses a potential health risk for those with milk allergies or intolerances and has the batch code 5020 and a best before date of December 2025. Customers are advised to return the affected product to the store for a full refund, following the FSA's announcement amid a recent investigation...
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