Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby resigned after failing to report serial abuse by a volunteer at Christian summer camps, acknowledging his mistake and taking personal responsibility for the failure. Pressure had been building on Welby since Thursday, and his resignation will have far-reaching implications for the Anglican Communion, which has more than 85 million members worldwide. The abuse by the late John Smyth, which was not reported promptly, has highlighted broader issues of historical sexual abuse within the Church of England and the need for accountability and reform.
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People Are Just Realising Power Rangers Isn't The Show They Thought It Was, And Woah
Eagle-eyed home cooks noticed that PYREX and pyrex are separate companies with different glass materials. The podcast Confused Breakfast revealed that Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers used footage from a Japanese series called Super Sentai, with only unmasked scenes being original. Haim Saban adapted the show for US audiences, incorporating both American and Japanese footage to create a culturally diverse viewing experience. Fans were surprised by the revelation, with some noting discrepancies in the show's production...
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