Chuck Woolery, the game show host known for “Wheel of Fortune” and “Love Connection,” has passed away at 83. With a career spanning multiple shows like “Scrabble” and “Lingo,” Woolery was inducted into the American TV Game Show Hall of Fame. Starting as a singer and transitioning to television, Woolery’s legacy includes hosting iconic game shows and his rock group The Avant-Garde.
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Police say Luigi Mangione’s notebook described rationale for killing
In response to IE 11 not being supported, visitors are encouraged to use another browser for an optimal experience on the site. Meanwhile, Luigi Mangione, who faked his own death, has returned to the US and is facing a criminal charge for the murder of UnitedHealthcare's CEO Brian Thompson. Investigators have found a notebook detailing Mangione's alleged rationale for the killing, as reported by NBC's Stephanie Gosk on TODAY. Full Article
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