Your support enables The Independent to report on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing in-depth investigations and documentaries. Donations help fund journalists to cover stories from all perspectives, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all. Chelsea’s comeback win against West Ham showcased their resilience, with two scrappy goals securing a much-needed victory, moving them back into fourth place in the league.
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'Luften' Is The German Practice We All Should Be Doing In The Winter
In Germany, the ventilation technique of lüften involves opening windows wide to create airflow and facilitate air exchange in homes. There are two types of lüften - shock ventilation and cross-ventilation - both aimed at replacing stale air with fresher air. This practice, taken seriously by Germans, has scientifically supported benefits such as reducing indoor pollutants, lowering humidity levels, and improving overall health and well-being. Full Article
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