Your support allows The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a focus on separating facts from messaging. As a trusted news source that remains accessible to all, The Independent relies on donations to send reporters to the front lines of developing stories. The ICC’s decision to revive the Champions Trophy amidst criticism and logistical challenges showcases a focus on commercial interests over cricketing priorities, leading to a condensed tournament format with elite teams and potential hosting uncertainties.
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Jenni Hermoso was not the victim people wanted her to be – we should be grateful to her for that
Luis Rubiales was found guilty of sexual assault for kissing footballer Jenni Hermoso without consent after the Women's World Cup, marking an end to his impunity and a reminder that the law applies to everyone equally. The verdict, which included a fine and a ban on contact with Hermoso, followed Spain's 'solo si es si' law on sexual consent. Despite facing revictimization in court, Hermoso stood strong and showed resilience, emphasizing the importance of believing...
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