In the latest Wallace & Gromit adventure, “Vengeance Most Fowl,” the iconic duo faces a new challenge without the original voice of Peter Sallis. Ben Whitehead steps in to voice Wallace, reuniting with Feathers McGraw, a familiar villain, in a story involving a voice-controlled smart gnome named Norbot. Despite the emotional absence of Sallis, the film promises to deliver the classic charm and humor that fans have come to love, airing on BBC One on Christmas Day.
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Province sends $19 million to Windsor for road improvements
The Ontario government announced a $19 million investment for road projects in Windsor to alleviate traffic congestion and support new housing developments on the east side, with MPP Andrew Dowie emphasizing the need for safe, affordable housing. The funding will facilitate the construction of over 3,000 new homes by improving infrastructure, including extending Wyandotte Street East, widening Banwell Road, and upgrading the intersection at Banwell and McNorton Street. Mayor Drew Dilkens highlighted the significance of...
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