Canadian U.N. peacekeeper Michelle Angela Hamelin recalls the emotional turmoil of Greek Cypriot protesters in 1986 during the visit of a Turkish head of government to ethnically divided Cyprus. Canada’s involvement in the U.N. peacekeeping force, UNFICYP, dates back to 1964, with over 28,000 Canadians serving and 28 losing their lives in Cyprus. Despite changes in the country, the division remains palpable, as highlighted by the recent Remembrance Day ceremony at the Canadian U.N. Peacekeeper Memorial in the buffer zone.
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SUNshine Girl Jenny
out of the summary. Sunshine Girl Jenny is the focus of this article, with a video accompanying the text. The video may not be loading properly, but readers are encouraged to try refreshing their browser or accessing other videos. The article likely includes information about Jenny and her featured content. Full Article
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