BMC officials in Mumbai’s Dharavi area took action against an alleged “illegal portion” of a mosque, prompting a protest by members of the Muslim community. The officials arrived to demolish the structure on Saturday, following guidelines set by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation. The situation escalated as heavy security was deployed to manage the protest and ensure the enforcement of the demolition.
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Key question as VMC gears up to desilt Vishwamitri: What about the crocodiles? | Ahmedabad News
The Vadodara Municipal Corporation faces a challenge in relocating nearly 300 crocodiles from the Vishwamitri river for a desilting and dredging project, as nesting coincides with the work. While officials believe the crocodiles can be shifted safely, experts emphasize the need for a backup plan to avoid agitation among the animals. The VMC is awaiting permission from the Wildlife Department to proceed with the project, which includes leaving undisturbed areas for crocodile nesting and potential...
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