Your support helps The Independent cover critical stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring accurate reporting and analysis. Donations enable journalists to report from the ground and provide quality journalism accessible to all. Keir Starmer faces challenges over the Chagos Islands deal as Mauritius seeks to renegotiate, raising concerns about sovereignty, security, and international agreements.
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Threat of far-right riots underestimated by police despite warning signs, report into summer disorder finds
Despite a series of "precursor" events escalating tensions, police failed to anticipate the threat of far-right disorder after the Southport stabbing, leading to widespread unrest following the killing of three schoolgirls. His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary Andy Cooke emphasized the need for better preparedness to tackle future outbreaks of violence, praising officers' dedication and bravery in ending six days of disorder, during which 302 officers were injured and 54 hospitalised. A rapid review by...
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